Dry Hair Care

how to care for dry hair
Dry hair looks pale, hard to comb, especially when wet. This hair is thicker at the roots, but is thinner and sometimes blooms in all. The causes are excessive sweating, frequent use of curling irons, rollers and other appliances for hot styling, permanent waving, damage from sun, chlorine in the pool water and unfavorable weather conditions. Each of these factors wear hair that loses shine, strength and elasticity. Dry hair can be caused by insufficient secretion of the sebaceous glands - the scalp and hair lack the natural lubricant. May be the result of hereditary or hormonal problems.


Use nourishing shampoos and intensive conditioners. Dry your hair with a warm towel or paper towels, not with a hairdryer. Avoid the use of solid shampoos and soaps containing oil resources of inorganic origin or composition of sulphate-based products and greasy lotions with a high alcohol content. Use a very mild shampoo and conditioner quality. Regular Cut the tips of the hair. Once a week, make a mask with warm butter - warm olive or almond oil. Rub gently into the scalp and hair. Allow the oil to work through the night if possible. Put on a plastic hair cap and cotton scarf. The next day, diluted with wash oil (water) shampoo and rub directly into the scalp. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

Procedure to improve the quality of dry hair 

  1. Cover your shoulders with a towel or protective cloak.
  2. In 5 minutes solve hair with a brush.
  3. Rub into the scalp mask for dry hair or warm oil. When dry hair is important to spread the mask on hair length, starting from the ends first. This is best done with a brush, hair dye, but maybe with a cotton swab.
  4. Wrap your head with a hot, damp towel for 7-10 minutes. A better effect will, if the hair stays in the mask for 2 hours or more. In this case, after the procedure with the damp cloth, put a plastic cap and wrapped with cotton head scarf or towel.
  5. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo diluted with water.
  6. Carefully dry the hair with a warm towel or paper towel.
  7. Dry, comb and hair done. If necessary, use a hair dryer, but from a distance of 10 cm.
  8. Clean and straighten the place where you perform these procedures.